Monday, June 13, 2011


Maybe meaning isn't something we are meant to look for. I've been searching for years to try and find it, like some sort of hidden treasure. It recently occurred to me that meaning could find us. What if?... what if it's a living thing. It lives and grows off the things we do, no just our actions, our emotions and thoughts too. We are the creator's of our own meaning, we might not know how we're putting it together or making it but we are with each passing second of every day. It grows within us, like our soul. Maybe meaning is our soul, what we live for, our principles, why we make the choices we do. Our soul would then be nothing more than our purpose, the derivative of our thoughts and emotion. I know there are a lot of maybes and what ifs in this post, but that is how ideas start. As a random belief, before they can be theorized, or even organized enough to hypotheses.