Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Why are we?
That question is one that has plagued mankind since our beginning. For most we look to religion to answer this question, but I think for us to solely depend on the religious perspective for an explanation does not do justice to the bigger picture, to our "humanity". My intention for this blog are not to question the existence of God, but rather to look at our race, as a whole and within this world. An angle that I think hasn't truly been explored, since Socrates and Pluto we've look towards the heaven in hopes of understanding ourselves; to see where and how we fit in the divine plan. But there is a flaw with this way of thinking, the devise cannot be proven or dis proven, it is intangible and thus becomes moot with regard to the discussion of what is humanity. Maybe the reason we've spent so much time and energy on this question is becuase the way we've been approaching it doesn't work. To understand us I believe we should look at ourselves, that only seems logical. Ourselves as individuals and a society, as well as, the way we affect and fit into the world around us. For if all creatures of God the differences among us could help answer some of our greatest questions. I hope this make sense to anyone reading this, this is a question that has been in mind of the past few years. I thought that making this into a blog would allow me to do a few thing, one, help me better comprehend my view of "us" and two, enable me to track my thinking process throughout this journey, oh and of course to invite the insight of those how may be empathic to simple yet complex question.